Get easy ways to keep your home warm and healthy this winter

Take our five-question quiz and get your personalised tips at the end

Tips to keep your house cosy and warm

It's hard to stay warm in yucky weather, and we're here to help give you some useful ways you can save make energy-saving choices this winter.

By responding to the questions on the following pages, you'll get recommendations on how to keep your home cosy and warm during the winter months like this one:

Example of an energy-saving tip

Check the stars

When you replace appliances check the star rating which shows how energy efficient a model is compared to other models of the same size/capacity. More stars = more energy efficient

How it works

Step one

Get started by clicking the button below. You'll head to the first question and be on your way!

Step two

Answer in a way that makes sense for your situation so the tips we provide can be as helpful as possible.

Step three

At the end, you'll get your personalised tips and can discover simple ways to save energy this winter.

Step four

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